MIT School of Engineering | » Is it possible to construct a perpetual ...

If you could pump forever, you would swing forever; but once you remove that energy, you soon stop. Perpetual motion requires an initial force and a sustaining force." As it turns out, the moon is very nearly a perpetual motion machine. It goes around the earth every month and has been doing so at almost constant speed for a very long time.

Perpetual motion electric truck, transporting cargo with zero fuel ...

Perpetual motion electric truck is a novel method of conserving energy by transporting cargo down a mountain and charging the truck''s battery with its regenerative …

ELI5 Why can''t magnets create a true perpetual motion device.

Perpetual motion isn''t too hard to do - a pendulum in a vacuum is perpetual motion. Trying to use perpetual motion as a power source is something else entirely. Perpetual motion works because of conservation of energy; if the system doesn''t lose energy anywhere, then the kinetic energy is conserved and the motion won''t stop.

Design and Analysis of A Perpetual Motion Machine Using Neodymium ...

The article describes an idea of a perpetual motion machine as one of the options to find alternative energy sources. Using Neodymium magnets as the main component of the machine, the authors ...

Why does a perpetual motion machine like this require a ...

A perpetual motion machine would work by constantly outputting energy to keep something moving, without any energy input. ... All three inventions move on 3 different laws of motion. Gravity is the first Balance is the second And as much as I''d love to tell you the third ingredient I''ll let the rest of the world work on this because an ...


$begingroup$ Note: A perpetual motion machine is not the same thing as an infinite-motion machine.To call it a perpetual motion machine, you have to not only make it run forever but you also must be able to extract energy from it continuously other words, for an infinite-motion machine there must be no energy losses, whereas for a perpetual motion …

Perpetual Motion Machine Gravity Based Automatic

The machine is not yet constructed physically. Any one who try to construct it, please do some basic experiments according to physics laws and then try at yo...

(PDF) Perpetual Motion Machine

Although physics has led, with two thermodynamic laws, to the opinion that a perpetual motion machine is impossible to be manufactured, inventors of every age and …

An Analysis of a Perpetual Motion Machine

Everyone loves perpetual motion machines. They represent the highest levels of creativity in finding loopholes in the laws of physics. Let''s take a look at this one.

Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion

Identifying gravity and attrition as the forces that made it impossible, he compared perpetual motion to the alchemists'' quest for the transmutation of metals. Self-propelling perpetual motion hydraulic system (1487/1490) by Leonardo da Vinci Museo Galileo - Istituto e …

(PDF) A review on how a Perpetual Motion Machine

Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM) which can be applied to produce electricity, may be an alternative solution for the problem the world is facing today. The machine is designed to generate power from ...

24.3: Perpetual Motion Machines

Perpetual motion machines are devices that are purported to create useful work for "nothing" by violating some physical principle. Generally they are divided into two types, perpetual motion …


A perpetual motion machine comprises a power input device, a power transmission device, a power output device, and a power storage device. The power transmission device comprises a main transmission system, eight gravity spring systems, and eight auxiliary transmission systems. The main transmission system comprises a central shaft (1), a rotary-table gear (11), a rotary …

Perpetual motion

Numerous perpetual motion ''solutions'', subsequent objections and answers to the objections were read at Royal Society meetings, particularly in the early eighteenth century, prompting Newton''s experimental assistant John Theophilus Desaguliers to publish a 1721 explanation of the flaws of the unbalanced wheel theory in the Society''s Philosophical …

Are Perpetual Motion Machines Possible? Exploring the Elusive …

A perpetual motion machine violates the first law of thermodynamics because it would have to produce work without energy input. Meanwhile, the second law of …

Perpetual Gravity machine

Four white wheels on two axles move around the orange disks, periodically changing the center of gravity of the moving masses, causing non-stop rotation.Axl...

11 Cool Perpetual Motion Toys For Never-Ending Learning Fun

Perpetual motion toys are fun, educational and entertaining, and the whole family can get involved. Get moving with these mind-blowing toys! ... These toys harness the power of gravity, centrifugal force, and magnetic force to keep them in constant motion, often for extended periods of time. You may even remember playing with some of these ...

Self running Tilting Tray. Perpetual Motion machine

Perpetual Motion of the Self running Tilting Tray is the result of the interaction of the ball and a lever. It''s one of the best perpetual motion machine ide...

Leonardo Perpetual Motion Machines

Among perpetual motion inventions, Leonardo''s first design is a simple overbalanced wheel. In this design, the weight of the ball bearings within the machine will always shift the wheel''s center of gravity away from the center point, thereby allowing continuous rotation. The design has 4 tracks in total, each with its own ball bearing running within it.

Perpetual gravity machine

Perpetual gravity machine uses a load to rotate a big wheel through the elastic belt.The continuous motion of the big wheel has reached the misbalance in tw...

Perpetual Motion Machines: Working Against Physical Laws

A perpetual motion machine would have to have energy that was never wasted and never moved toward a disordered state. Still, the inviolability of the laws of physics has not stopped the curious ...

(PDF) History of Perpetual Motion Machines

PDF | The authentic history from the perspective of perpetual motion supporters. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Perpetuum Mobile

The dream of a machine able to remain indefinitely in motion without any external energy source—i.e., the possibility of perpetual motion—is one of those die-hard ideas …

Free energy, Perpetual motion, Overbalanced wheel, Gravity …

This is the 6th Video on research on Gravity Turbine by Professor Tiwes, a Seasoned Mechanical Engineer with PhD level knowledge in Mechanical Engineering. ...

Gravity Machine Principle

This video will demonstrate how can a gravity perpetual machine movement can be created. From this principle you can create your own prototype gravity machine

A "Perpetual Motion Machine" Powered by Electromagnetism

"Perpetual motion" is a hypothetical type of motion that continues forever without any external energy input contributing to the system. Students should know that this is generally impossible because of energy losses due to friction or other nonconservative forces, or because some assumption has been made that violates the first or second law of thermodynamics (or …


The invention discloses a gravity perpetual motion machine. According to the design, the gravity of the earth and the gravity of objects are adopted as a power source, an asymmetric frame structure is utilized, the gravities of the objects on the two sides of a frame deviate, the heavy side pulls the light side, and cyclic mechanical motion is generated.

Five Perpetual Motion Machines, and Why None of Them Work

To the eccentric inventor, perpetual motion probably seems a low-hanging fruit. Sure, those pesky Laws of Thermodynamics tell us that no machine can do work forever …

Why aren''t planets considered perpetual motion machines?

Within the domain of physics that we understand, perpetual motion machines are not possible. Any machine that claims to be perpetual relies on subtle nuances. Using the drinking bird as an example: although it seems no more energy is being put into the system, it relies on temperature differences between the inside and outside of the bird to convert heat energy into mechanical …

Perpetual Motion: The Holy Grail of Mechanical Engineering

Another type of perpetual motion machine was proposed by British veterinarian and inventor John Gamgee in the 1880s. He proposed a steam train powered by perpetual motion that would replace water with ammonia, which has a lower boiling point …

Perpetual motion

Perpetual motion is the motion of bodies that continues forever in an unperturbed system. A perpetual motion machine is a hypothetical machine that can do work indefinitely without an external energy source. This kind of machine is …

Unit 30: Perpetual motion machines

using the capillary e ect. In narrow spaces, this force can beat gravity. Problem D: Why does the capillary lifting machine" not work? 30.7. Why are there no perpetual motion machines"? There is no fundamental prin-ciple which forbids it. We could certainly produce a computer simulation of a world, where energy conservation fails.

Physics Girl | Are perpetual motion machines possible?

In countless instances in history, people have claimed that they''ve made a perpetual motion machine-- Bhaskara''s unbalanced mercury wheel in the 1100s, Zimara''s self-blowing windmill in the 1500s ...

Is it literally impossible to build a perpetual motion …

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed is bascially claiming entire universe to be a perpetual motion machine. With a lot of technological development it will probably be possible to tap into that and create a "perpetual motion machine" …