Telecom regulation and spectrum

• Swedish spectrum policy vs. revised directives • IMT bands have been allocated: 800, 900, 1800, 2100, 2600 MHz • Future spectrum releases Spectrum Sweden

Course 044 Radio Spectrum Management

Dr. Naveed Mufti – Senior Program Manager Wireless, Altair Engineering Sweden, with contribution by the former instructor Mr. Olov Carlsson, is teaching this 3-day course in Radio Spectrum Management. This topic is of ever increasing importance for Telecommunications Companies, Public Authorities as well as for Defence Forces. This advanced course is giving …

26. Ofcom''s Special Duty To Reserve Frequencies For Television ...

Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum / (2) Managing Spectrum Use / (i) Ofcom''s Management of the Radio Spectrum / B. Ofcom''s Radio Spectrum Functions / (A) Ofcom''s Functions and Duties with regard to the Radio Spectrum / 26. Ofcom''s special duty to reserve frequencies for television multiplex services when exercising radio spectrum functions.

Spectrum Pricing

mobile spectrum available, which creates scarcity thus inflating prices, or setting excessive auction reserve prices, final prices or annual spectrum fees. Spectrum is a valuable state asset and governments have the option to use it to raise revenues to fund vital state activities. However, the primary goal in all awards should be to encourage

Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio: State-of-the-art and ...

and space [1], [2]. The concept behind cognitive radio is to exploit these under-utilized spectral resources by reusing unused spectrum in an opportunistic manner [3], [4]. The phrase "cognitive radio" is usually attributed to Mitola [4], but the idea of using learning and sensing machines to probe the radio spectrum

Radio Spectrum Policy Programme

It establishes a radio spectrum* policy across the EU to assist in strategic planning in the use of spectrum for all EU policies relating to the internal market including electronic communications, …


Translation for ''spectrum'' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. share person; outlined_flag arrow ... Services dependent on radio spectrum …

Radio Spectrum Allocation

The radio spectrum is the radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the United States, regulatory responsibility for the radio spectrum is divided between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The FCC, which is an independent regulatory agency, administers …

Sweden decides to delay 5G spectrum allocation

Sweden decides to delay 5G spectrum allocation. The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) has announced it will delay the allocation of spectrum in the 3.5 GHz and 2.3 GHz bands due to a security review. Jamie Davies. November 18, 2019. 2 Min Read. The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) has announced it will delay the allocation of ...

Methodologies for valuation of spectrum

Spectrum, valuation, methodologies, pricing, radio Change Log This document contains the ITU-T Technical Report "Methodologies for valuation of spectrum" approved at the ITU-T Study Group 3 meeting held in Geneva, 5-13 April 2017. Summary This technical report proposes various methodologies that can be used for valuation of spectrum arriving

Spectrum management

The vision for PTS spectrum management is to maximise the long-term societal benefit of radio spectrum in Sweden.The goal is that through spectrum management, we …

Methodologies for valuation of spectrum

There are different ways of arriving at the value of the spectrum, all of which have their merits as well as their drawbacks. Rather than count on one method, prudence suggests it would be …

Radio Spectrum Decisions | Shaping Europe''s digital future

11 December 2013 Commission Implementing Decision 2013/752/EU amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2005/928/EC - Explanatory document.; 12 November 2013 Commission Implementing Decision 2013/654/EU amending Commission Decision 2008/294/EC to include …

Analysing the C-Band spectrum auctions for 5G in Europe: …

Efficient radio spectrum use is achieved when the overall benefits to society of the spectrum at auction, or by other assignment procedures, are maximised. ... The methodology used to calculate reserve prices also impacted on spectrum valuations. In addition, high uncertainty related to 5G use cases, business models and network performance ...

Technical Forum on Future Spectrum Needs

During the fall of 2024, the forum will focus on gaining a clearer understanding of the industry''s needs for radio spectrum concerning satellite communication services and future service …

The Radio Spectrum Committee | Shaping Europe''s digital future

The Radio Spectrum Committee normally meets four times a year. The outcome and the planning of the meetings is available below. Upcoming RSC meetings: RSC#85: 20-21/03/2024; RSC#86: 03-04/07/2024; RSC#87: 09-10/10/2024; RSC#88: 04-05/12/2024 . RSC documents in CIRCABC. Mandates to the CEPT.

PTS Spectrum Policy PTS-ER-2024:15

This spectrum policy outlines a number of strategies that contribute to PTS working towards the authority''s vision, that the societal benefit of radio spectrum in Sweden is …

Private network spectrum strategy, Part 2: Sweden''s PTS

While the country has made traditional spectrum licenses available to its mobile network operators, it also reserved midband spectrum at 3.7 GHz and some millimeter wave …

Tangent Spectrum DAB Radio

Le Tangent Spectrum DAB est une radio numérique stéréo aux dimensions compactes conçue avec le plus grand soin. Nos designers scandinaves ont insufflé la touche minimaliste très appréciée de la gamme Spectrum, en reprenant les finitions noires et blanches, élégantes. Le socle est constitué d''un placage noyer du plus bel effet.

Regulating the radio spectrum

MAIN DOCUMENT Decision No 676/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision) (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, pp. 1–6).. RELATED DOCUMENTS Commission Decision of 11 June 2019 setting up the Radio Spectrum Policy …

Radio spectrum

The radio spectrum is conventionally divided into bands by international regulatory bodies such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a branch of the United Nations. These bands are then sometimes allocated to particular uses. So, for example, the ''800 MHz band'' spans 790 MHz to 862 MHz in Europe and has been allocated to ...

Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (2022)

The Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (Canadian Table) assigns the electromagnetic spectrum and establishes the frequency allocations available for radio services in Canada. The Canadian Table is based on the provisions of the Final Acts resulting from the various World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC), including the 2012 WRC, convened by the …

Regulation and Spectrum | History -Sweden | Countries

Sweden - Regulation and Spectrum - History 23.02.2022. The Swedish Regulator MPRT has commissioned by the Swedish government to review the conditions for commercial radio in the longer term (Ku 2021/01993) dialogue with relevant actors, including the industry, the authority plans to analyse the need for any changes in the regulations for …

Radio Spectrum Policy Group

Radio Spectrum Policy Group SUMMARY OF: Decision setting up the Radio Spectrum Policy Group. WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE DECISION? It sets up the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG), a high-level advisory group designed to assist the European Commission in developing radio spectrum policy. It takes into account technical, economic, political ...


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(PDF) Location Dependent Spectrum Pricing of Private LTE and …

Radio spectrum is a scarce natural resource, whose efficient management calls for a thorough understanding of its value. A number of spectrum valuation approaches has emerged considering different ...

Radio Spectrum Regulation in the European Union

1.2.1. Radio spectrum allocation 2 1.2.2. Radio spectrum assignment 4 1.2.3. Radio spectrum allocation and assignment: the European Union 4 1.3. Purpose and research questions 7 1.4. Scope and limitations of the thesis 8 1.5. Terminology 9 2. Theoretical Framework 13 2.1. A theoretical overview 13 2.2. Theoretical concepts 14 2.2.1.

Radio spectrum

Governance of radio spectrum Radio spectrum is managed by a complex and sometimes overlapping series of international, regional and national authorities. At the top is the International Telecommunications Union (I TU), a specialised United Nations agency with responsibility for information and communications technologies.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority s Spectrum Policy

Radio spectrum is a valuable and scarce common resource that benefits both individuals and organisations. The vision for PTS'' spectrum management is that the societal benefit of radio …

Introduction | Radio Spectrum Management

As a result, the more readily usable parts of the spectrum tend to be heavily loaded with radio emissions, especially in extensive, densely populated areas. Heavy loading without efficient spectrum management leads to interference between systems and reduces the total realisable capacity of the medium. Thus where radio usage is heavy it is ...