China''s sewage treatment industry status quo and improvement …

In order to save water and reduce the cost of water in public areas, we studied the feasibility of recycling bath wastewater by a membrane bioreactor (MBR) at a college campus scale.

China''s solar photovoltaic industry development: The status quo ...

In view of international development, the solar PV energy supply is destined to become one of the main global energy supply carriers by 2030 and a leading energy source by 2050 [2].The EU plans to expand the gross installed capacity of the PV industry to 397 million kW, with power generation occupying 15% of EU gross power generation; while the US plans to …

(PDF) Shaking Up the Status Quo? An Analysis of

Terms such as big data, Internet of Things and augmented reality have the potential to lead to shifts in the status quo of the social context of work and implicit issue of thriving. This chapter ...


the status quo:。。

Reverse Logistics in the Construction Industry: Status Quo

Implementing reverse logistics in the construction industry is considered a crucial method to achieve a circular economy. Despite a wealth of research focusing on improving reverse logistics systems, businesses still encounter challenges during the implementation process. Therefore, this study conducted a systematic literature review utilizing bibliometric …

Status and Development Trends of Intelligent Manufacturing in …

The Chinese furnishings industry has gained widespread attention and exerted a broad influence worldwide throughout the past 40 years (Cao et al. 2004).Under the backdrop of manufacturing industries such as "Internet+," "Industry 4.0" (Chang 2013, Luo 2014), and "Made in China 2025" (State Council of the People''s Republic of China 2015), the Government Work Report in 2016 …

Material and energy flows of the iron and steel industry: Status quo ...

Integrated analysis and optimization of material and energy flows in the iron and steel industry have drawn considerable interest from steelmakers, energy engineers, policymakers, financial firms, and academic researchers. Numerous publications in this area have identified their great potential to bring significant benefits and innovation.

Report of Assisted Reproductive Technology Industry Status Quo …

7 (ART) (Assisted Reproductive Technology,ART),(

Sustainability reporting in the construction industry – Status quo …

Download Citation | On Nov 1, 2023, Daniela Cortés and others published Sustainability reporting in the construction industry – Status quo and directions of future research | Find, read and ...

Challenging the Status Quo: A Catalyst for Change

The status quo, or the existing state of affairs, often represents comfort, familiarity, and stability. However, it can also signify stagnation, outdated practices, and resistance to change.

(PDF) Smart Home. Status quo, Opportunities and Risks

Smart Home, Intelligent Home, Appliance@Home, e2-Home, Home Automation, Intelli-gent Building, The Internet Home, InHouse-Network – a lot of different names for the same big idea.


Bärbar solpanel för laddning av batteri till husbil, husvagn eller båt För att koppla in en bärbar solpanel till husbilens hushållsbatteri erfordras förutom solpanel en solcellsregulator 15/20A (9540168/69) och solpanelskabel (9600021).Ledning + - mellan batteri och solcellsregulator på minimum 2,5 mm 2 och ledning för exter belastning anpassas efter platsen.

Recycling technologies for enabling sustainability transitions of …

sustainability transitions of the fashion industry: status quo and avenues for increasing post- consumer waste recycling, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18:1, 114-128, DOI: 10.1080 ...

The Status Quo of Renewable Energy Development and

The Status Quo of Renewable Energy Development and Utilization and the Prospects of Industrial Development. Lei Liu 1, Hanli Xiao 2 and Liang Shen 1. Published …


This article explores the possible ramifications of incorporating ideas from AEC Industry 6.0 into the design and construction of intelligent, environmentally friendly, and long …

Material and Energy Flows of the Iron and Steel Industry: Status Quo ...

Integrated analysis and optimization of material and energy flows in the iron and steel industry have drawn considerable interest from steelmakers, energy engineers, policymakers, financial firms ...

Guide To Challenging the Status Quo at Work (With Tips)

How to challenge the status quo at a company Here are steps you can take to challenge the status quo at work: 1. Identify an opportunity for change The first step to challenging the status quo at work is to determine what you want to change. There may be many opportunities for change in a company, but it''s best to focus on a specific task to ...

China''s IC industry, the status quo and future

Status Quo and Future, China''s IC Industry IC Industry situation •2000 ~ 2004, both output and sales revenue exceed 30% annual growth rate, highest in worldwide at the same period. •In 2004, the output amounted to 21.15 billion pieces, the sales revenue amounted to 6.73 billion USD, increase by 55.2%

The status quo of digital transformation in insurance sales: an ...

In this paper, we focus on the impact of digital transformation on traditional ways to sell insurance products. Our goal is to investigate how widespread the use of digital technologies in insurance sales is and which values of these digital technologies are perceived by insurance intermediaries. Moreover, we aim to analyze underlying influencing factors in this …

Status quo and perspectives of biogas production for energy and ...

Corresponding Author. Enno Bahrs. bahrs@uni-hohenheim ; Institute of Farm Management (410b), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Correspondence

Artificial intelligence in sustainable energy industry: Status Quo ...

DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2021.125834 Corpus ID: 233666384; Artificial intelligence in sustainable energy industry: Status Quo, challenges and opportunities @article{Ahmad2021ArtificialII, title={Artificial intelligence in sustainable energy industry: Status Quo, challenges and opportunities}, author={Tanveer Ahmad and Dongdong Zhang and Chao …

Material and energy flows of the iron and steel industry: Status …

First, this paper presented an overview of different steel production routes, including the BF–BOF route, the EAF route, and the combination of them. Next, the status quo …


Energilagring är ett snabbt växande forskningsområde och vi är i stort behov av elektriska energilagringssystem på grund av den snabba expansionen av digitala apparater, …

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Quality …

The search focused on articles that explored the application of AI in the energy industry, specifically in the context of quality management. The selection of articles was based on their …

industry status quo--| Reverso Context

In November 12, 2017, The company chairman Ye Jindui was invited to participate in the 2017 cross-strait electronic plating and surface treatment of academic exchanges, and published "on the current surface treatment industry trends" report at the meeting, further expounds the current surface treatment industry status quo and future development trend, at the same time it is also …

Så här stänger du bärbar dator och använder extern bildskärm på …

Starta Kontrollpanelen från Start-menyn. Välj sedanHårdvara och ljud.; Gå nu till Energialternativ och väljVälj vad stängning av locket gör.; Under Power-knappen och lockinställningarna hittar duNär jag stänger locketalternativet är inställt på Hibernate som standard.Ändra nu till Gör ingenting för bådaPå batteriochInkopplad.; Slutligen, klicka påSpara ändringar.

How to measure the status quo bias? A review of current literature

The Status Quo Bias (SQB) describes an individual''s preference to avoid changes and maintain the current situation. In today''s world, technological advances require nearly constant change within organizations. Thus, SQB can become an issue when it hinders progress. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how this effect can be reliably measured and, even more importantly, …

Material and energy flows of the iron and steel industry: Status quo ...

As the second largest energy user in the global industrial sectors [1], the iron and steel industry is highly dependent on fossil fuels [2] and releases massive amounts of environmentally harmful substances [3].With rapid urbanization and industrialization, the demand for steel has increased over the last several decades [4].Crude steel production reached 1870 …

Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Energy Industry: Status Quo ...

The energy industry is at a crossroads. Digital technological developments have the potential to change our energy supply, trade, and consumption dramatically.

Big Data Adoption in the Chinese Construction Industry: Status Quo ...

The paper suggests the necessity of creating differentiated strategies for big data adoption for companies with different scales and roles, and helps provide useful insights for policy-makers in promoting big data applications. Under the influence of pervasive digital revolution, the accessibility and analysis of ''big data'' can provide useful insights and help …