Akustische Metamaterialien für die Anwendung als Schalldämpfer

Abstract Der Beitrag berichtet über akustische Metamaterialien (AMM) und deren Anwendung in der Kanalakustik als Schalldämpfer. AMM stehen auch in diesem Kontext …

A broadband acoustic metamaterial lens for sub-wavelength …

In 2020, Stefano Laureti et al. focused on the application scenario of metamaterial underwater, and they overcame the problem of metamaterial manipulation in water by designing a layer of …

Acoustic metamaterials capable of both sound insulation and …

We have proposed a novel metamaterial device capable of both sound insulation and energy harvesting. The proposed device exhibits a substantial sound insulation ability, …

Wideband vibration attenuation of a metamaterial beam via …

Nonlinear metamaterials (NLMs) have recently garnered significant interest for their abilities to achieve wide bandwidth in vibration attenuation and wave manipulation. …

Metamaterial and Helmholtz coupled resonator for high-density …

Metamaterial refers to a type of structural composite material, usually periodic. The local modification of the material by introducing a defect can make the wave at the defect …

Akustikens fem principer | Gustafs Scandinavia

Varje rum har sina egna unika ljudegenskaper. Hur exempelvis det låter i ett klassrum eller ett kontor beror till stor del på de akustiska egenskaperna hos materialen i rummet. Akustiken i en …

Modeling sound transmission through a periodic acoustic metamaterial ...

the single -layer metamaterial can be calculated . 3. TL of a 2D metamaterial grating As a numerical example, the sound transmission characteristics of a metamaterial grating …

Introduction to Metamaterials

Metamaterial Absorbers for Photovoltaics . Another. potential application area of metamaterial. is perfect absorption, which is crucial for solar energy utilization applications. Perfect absorption …

Acoustic metamaterials capable of both sound insulation and …

The dual functionality of the metamaterial device has been verified by experimental results, which show an over 20 dB sound transmission loss and a maximum …

Engineering Acoustic Metamaterials for Sound Absorption: From …

Recently, metamaterial-based perforated panels have been proposed by combining a perforated host panel and acoustic metastructures. For example, a perforated …

Generatives Design von akustischen Metamaterialien

entwickelt, siehe Abb. 1. Das Metamaterial besteht Abbildung 1: FEM Modell des akustischen Metamaterials nach [2]. Zehn aneinander gereihte Einheitszellen in einem akustischen Rohr, …

A pneumatic soft acoustic metamaterial through modular design

For example, the designed acoustic metamaterial can also realize the structure proposed by Liu et al. [55], which contains two soft scatterers with different air pressures in the unit cell. According …

Utvikling av en akustisk metodikk for ressurskartlegging av …

Utvikling av en akustisk metodikk for ressurskartlegging av stortare (Laminaria hyperborea). Rapport nr.: Å9916 Delrapport: Beregning av biomasse over et større areal. Prosjekt nr.: 54014 …


Metamaterial is a kind of synthetic structural material [1–5] with strange electromagnetic, acoustic or mechanical properties. The first physical metamaterial was developed by John Pendry, and …

(PDF) Forget metamaterial

In this preprint, we conclude that numerous newly proposed sound-absorbing structures, often labelled as ''metamaterial'' may not inherently bring significant technical …

Acoustic metamaterials capable of both sound insulation and …

demonstrated that the proposed metamaterial devices can not only block sound waves with over 20dB STL, but harvest acoustic energy using the membrane''s resonant behavior. This dual …

High-Temperature and Low-Frequency Acoustic Energy

The novel porous metamaterial structure proposed in this paper can be further optimized and utilized for efficiently absorbing the acoustic or sound energy at low frequencies …


Soundscaping kan ses på som en utvidelse av arbeidet med støybekjempelse. Akustisk økologi og kunstnerisk tenkning rundt soundscape ble utviklet fra 1960-tallet og er tett …

Vibroakustische Metamaterialien zur Schwingungs

Vibroakustische Metamaterialien stellen einen neuartigen Lösungsansatz zur Minderung akustischer und struktureller Schwingungen dar. Sie bilden Stoppbänder – Frequenzbereiche, in denen keine freie Wellenübertragung …

Akustische Linse aus ungewöhnlichem Material

Metamaterial aus dünnen Kunststofffolien wirkt als akustischer Wellenleiter und könnte sich daher für Schalldämpfung und gerichtete Schallausbreitung eignen. Nachricht 14.07.2015. Materie. Metamaterial …

Akustikk – Wikipedia

Akustikk er en klassisk disiplin innen fysikken som opprinnelige befattet seg med hørbar lyd (gr.: akuein ακουειν = å høre).Senere er fagfeltet utvidet til også å omfatte svingninger i væsker og …

Review and perspective on acoustic metamaterials: From …

Double-negative acoustic metamaterial based on quasi-two-dimensional fluid-like shells,"


Under de senaste åren har det forskats mycket på använd­ningen av metamaterial i olika tillämpningar i fysik och teknik. Definitionen av metamaterial kan sägas vara ett material eller …

Wistream 30D akustisk plate av skum (4-pakk)

Få bedre lydkvalitet under strømmingen ved å plassere Wistream 30D akustisk plate av skum på veggene. Disse mørkegråe platene kvitter seg av uønsket gjenklang, og hjelper studioet med å oppnå super lydkvalitet. I esken. 4 …

Einfluss von Nebenwegen auf die Schalldämmung von …

dass die MDF-Platte und das Metamaterial unabhän-gig von einander schwingen. Das Metamaterial weist da-bei die für die Anti-Resonanz typische Schwingform auf. Wenn der …

Current developments in elastic and acoustic …

The metamaterial''s properties are analysed from a purely mechanical and a vibro-acoustic (i.e. considering solid-air interactions) point of view, assuming the transfer function and the sound transmission loss at normal …

Acoustic metamaterials | Journal of Applied Physics

The ω and k characterization of the acoustic waves foreshadows the development of acoustic metamaterials, initially in the realm of resonance-based structures that can display …

Soft optical metamaterials | Nano Convergence | Full …

Optical metamaterials consist of artificially engineered structures exhibiting unprecedented optical properties beyond natural materials. Optical metamaterials offer many novel functionalities, such as super-resolution …

Energy harvesting using an acoustic metamaterial

Acoustic energy is harvested using a piezoelectric-based metamaterial. The considered metamaterial harvester consists of a multi-cell array of acoustic cavities, which are …

Vibro-acoustic performance of graded piezoelectric metamaterial …

The graded metamaterial plates outperform the periodic locally resonant counterparts in vibration and radiated sound power attenuation. Moreover, sound radiation …

Electrical-Modulated Flexible Acoustic Metamaterial: Enhancing …

This research unveiled the promising potential of ionic electroactive polymers, particularly ionic polymer–metal composites (IPMCs), as a superior candidate to design …

Analysis and optimisation of an active noise control system as a ...

Analysis and optimisation of an active noise control system as a potential acoustic metamaterial building block Joe Tan1 (1), Jordan Cheer (2) and Stephen Daley (3) (1) University of …