Designing a Broadband Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber …

This study proposes a broadband metamaterial absorber that integrates metal and graphene metasurfaces sandwiched with dielectric spacers to create a cavity resonant effect. The structure comprises a gold-based patterned metasurface as the top layer, a graphene-based patterned metasurface as the middle layer, and a grounded gold film with SiO2 spacers …

Metamaterials: Advancement and Futuristic Design Approach

The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic survey of the research in existing metamaterial-based antennas by categorizing existing methods according to the …

Opportunities and challenges of metamaterial-based …

Thus, the metamaterial exhibits great potentials to enhancing the energy efficiency of WPT systems, especially for the lateral and angular misalignments between the transmitter and the receiver coils.

Graded metamaterial with broadband active controllability for low ...

In this domain, considerable focus has been placed on active metamaterials. Researchers refer to a metamaterial with components that can be reconfigured in service as an active metamaterial. 12,13 The term "active" emphasizes the tunability and reconfigurability of metamaterials. Generally, by introducing reconfigurable components into a metamaterial …

Metamateriales: principales características y aplicaciones

Introducción. El principio físico fundamental en el caso de un metamaterial consiste en "sustituir" átomos por microestructuras fabricadas en el laboratorio, las cuales al igual que los átomos, presenten actividad electromagnética, es decir, tienen una función dieléctrica e (w) y una magnética m (w).El tamaño de las microestructuras debe asemejarse a las de un átomo, a fin …

(PDF) Metamaterials for Microwave Radomes and the Concept of …

Metamaterial particles are embedded in a host dielectric. medium, and their shape and size are adj usted so as to achieve. desired values of the radome parameters [, ]. 6. Tunable Metamaterials

Development and prospects of metamaterial in …

The objectives of this review include: (1) to present the research process and bottlenecks of metamaterial in the WPT system; (2) to clarify the design solution and checking method of the metamaterial and (3) to …

Metamaterials | Nature Materials

Electrochemically mutable soft metasurfaces based on soft conducting polymers exploit the deformability of soft materials through swelling to dynamically tune the shape and associated resonant ...

Performing Mathematical Operations with Metamaterials

We introduce two approaches to computational metamaterials: (i) a metasurface (MS) approach, in which thin planar metamaterial blocks perform mathematical operations in the spatial Fourier domain and (ii) a …

Development and prospects of metamaterial in …

Metamaterial design always follows the traditional electromagnetic theory. As a matter of fact, the key parameters in low-frequency metamaterial design should consider the resonance frequency and effective …

Overview on metamaterial: History, types and applications

Metamaterial has received great interest during the last ten years in distinct field, owing of its key characteristics such as enhancement in bandwidth, radiated power, directivity and controls ...

Trådlös IoT-sensor baserad på bio-nedbrytbar teknologi och …

Trådlös IoT-sensor baserad på bio-nedbrytbar teknologi och driven av energikonvertering (WBIoT) Diarienummer: 2023-03073: ... Olika möjliggörande teknologier (t.ex. kinetisk energiskörd, kommunikationsarkitekturer) och miljövänliga material (t.ex. skördare, sensor, antenn) undersöktes med fokus på prestanda och miljöpåverkan. ...

Metamaterials and Their Applications: ‎An Overview

Metamaterial is a man-made composite consisting of rationally planned artificial structures stacked periodically, displaying extraordinary inherent qualities, and thanks to technological ...

(PDF) Metamaterials Antenna Applications

PDF | On Mar 1, 2020, Khalid Al-badri published Metamaterials Antenna Applications | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

A Review of Metamaterials in Wireless Power …

This paper provides an overview of the current status and technical challenges of metamaterial-based WPT systems. The basic principles of magnetic coupling resonant wireless power transfer (MCR-WPT) are …

Metamaterials based on solid composites enable …

Thermal metamaterials are characterized by engineered structures, which target the control of thermal properties. Based on macroscopic heat conduction, we design rotatable sandwich-structured unit cells composed of solid materials to …

Metamaterials | Scientific Reports

High-efficient, polarization-insensitive, wide-angle, compact metamaterial energy harvester for S-band and C-band applications Najeeb Ullah, Mohammad Tariqul Islam

Metamaterials and their applications: An overview

Perfect metamaterial absorber with high fractional bandwidth for solar energy harvesting. PloS One 2018; 13: e0207314. Crossref. PubMed. Google Scholar. 37. Tran MC, Phuong TTH. Two-layered dual-band perfect …

(PDF) Metamaterials for Energy Harvesting

Wave focusing type metamaterial energy harvesting technique where (a) shows the experimental architecture, (b) the resulting RMS velocity field for excitation at 50 kHz and (c) voltage output ...

Metamaterials and imaging | Nano Convergence | Full Text

Resolution of the conventional lens is limited to half the wavelength of the light source by diffraction. In the conventional optical system, evanescent waves, which carry sub-diffraction spatial information, has exponentially decaying amplitude and therefore cannot reach to the image plane. New optical materials called metamaterials have provided new ways to …

Metamaterials and Metasurfaces for Wireless Power Transfer and …

It is shown that metamaterial-based rectennas can achieve a higher RF to dc conversion efficiency. Furthermore, metamaterials can also be used as either parasitic …

Metamaterial adhesives for programmable adhesion through

Strong yet releasable metamaterial adhesives are fabricated using nonlinear cut architectures to achieve control of the crack propagation interface for programmable, directional and spatially ...

Design of Metamaterial Antenna for 2.4 GHz WiFi Applications

In this paper, Antenna is an evergreen field of research because of its never-ending demand in the modern communication era. In this paper metamaterial antenna is presented. "Meta" a Greek word defines "beyond" the materials provide properties beyond conventional materials. In this paper the metamaterial and micro patch antenna concepts are …

Recent advances in metamaterials for simultaneous …

In this review, we first introduce the potential technologies for SWIPT. Then, it is followed by a comprehensive survey of various research efforts on metamaterial-based wireless information transmission (WIT), wireless power transmission …

(PDF) Metamaterial-enabled wireless and contactless ultrasonic …

Here, a pillar-based acoustic metamaterial is proposed for wireless and contactless ultrasonic power transfer and data transmission through a metallic wall by leveraging the pillar''s vertical ...

Metamaterials and their applications: An overview

Perfect metamaterial absorber with high fractional bandwidth for solar energy harvesting. PloS One 2018; 13: e0207314. Crossref. PubMed. Google Scholar. 37. Tran MC, Phuong TTH. Two-layered dual-band perfect metamaterial absorber at K band frequency. Adv Electromagn 2018; 7: 25–27. Crossref. Google Scholar. 38.

Introduction to Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Metasurfaces

A metamaterial (from the Greek word μετά meta, meaning "beyond" or "after", and the Latin word materia, meaning "matter" or "material") is any material engineered to have a property that is not found in naturally occurring materials. They are made from assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composite materials such ...

Review on Metamaterial Perfect Absorbers and Their

With the advent of metamaterial perfect absorbers (MPA), electromagnetic waves can be used as a source of energy, to enable sensing of phenomenon and as a carrier for exchanging data. In this ...

Millimeter wave negative refractive index metamaterial antenna …

The proposed metamaterial exhibits negative effective permittivity (εeffe) and negative effective permeability (µeffe) at millimeter wave frequency of 28 GHz. This attractive feature is utilized ...