(PDF) Studies on Recovery of Valuable Metals by …
Germanium-containing residues (GCR) are a secondary resource rich in zinc (Zn) and germanium (Ge) produced in the Zn pyrometallurgical process and an important raw material for recovering Zn and …
Germanium: the OG Digital Age metalloid
This includes the production of germanium as a byproduct of zinc mining in Alaska and Tennessee. "As a byproduct metal, the supply of germanium is heavily reliant on zinc production," according to the USGS. Teck Resources Ltd.''s Red Dog Mine in Alaska, the second-largest producer of zinc on Earth, is also a globally significant source of germanium.
(PDF) Silicon–Germanium: The Legacy Lives On
Binary equilibrium Si-Ge phase diagram showing solidification range for a nominal liquidus composition of Si-80% Ge-20% (atomic) [15]. (Typical cored microstructure is diagrammed in the insert).
Efficient extracting germanium and gallium from zinc residue by ...
The H 2 SO 4 systems are proper for zinc plant residues with low silica content. In addition, the pressure Song et al. (2021) acid leaching process is proposed for high silica content feeds ...
Germanium – Protons – Neutrons – Electrons – Electron Configuration
Protons and Neutrons in Germanium. Germanium is a chemical element with atomic number 32 which means there are 32 protons in its nucleus. Total number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number of the atom and is given the symbol Z.The total electrical charge of the nucleus is therefore +Ze, where e (elementary charge) equals to 1,602 x 10-19 coulombs.
Recovery of germanium and other valuable metals from zinc plant residues
Kul and Topkaya [14] performed the selective leaching of germanium from copper cake of Çinkur Zinc Plant. About 78% Ge was extracted using 100 g/L sulfuric acid in 0.5 h at 40-60 °C at solid to ...
Recent advances in the recovery of germanium during the zinc …
With the substantial strategic value of germanium, scholars have done a lot of research on its comprehensive utilization. In 1969, the Port-Maghera (P-M) Electric Zinc Plant in Italy realized the method of simultaneous recovery of three valuable metals, gallium, germanium, and indium, from zinc leaching residues for the first time in the world [11].
ReviewRecent advances in the recovery of germanium during the …
This review provides a detailed discussion of recent advances in the comprehensive recovery of germanium in zinc refining processes. In zinc refining processes, …
zinc. The harmful effect of germanium in the electrolyte is increased in the presence of antimony. Keywords: zinc electrolysis, germanium, antimony, cyclic voltammetry. Received 30 July 2013 Accepted 05 November 2013 INTRODUCTION One of the greatest applications of electrolytic zinc is for coating on steels, which require a high corrosion ...
[Ar]4s 3d 4p USGS Mineral Resources Program Germanium…
It has been estimated that less than 5 percent of the germanium contained in zinc concentrates is recovered. Germanium-rich coal and lignite deposits have attracted both researchers and industry, and may become . more important sources of germanium in the future. Coal ashes containing up to 1.1 percent germanium
Review on resources and recycling of germanium, with special …
In a zinc pyrometallurgical process, germanium (60–70%) remains primarily in crude zinc during the imperial smelting process (ISP), whereas 30–40% of the germanium is …
Analysis of Blood Concentrations of Zinc, Germanium, and Lead …
Trace elements, including zinc (Zn) and germanium (Ge), are essential for health; deficiency or excess levels of trace elements results is harmful. As a result of industrial and agricultural production, Pb widely exists in people''s living environment. It is absorbed mainly through the respiratory and digestive tracts, producing systemic harm. Reference values for a normal, …
The Discovery and History of Germanium
Additionally, when combined with elements like zinc or argyrodite crystals, germanium compounds find applications in thermal imaging. Germanium''s versatility extends beyond electronics and optics; it also plays an …
Migration behavior of germanium and its related elements in zinc ...
Zn and Ge were selectively extracted from zinc oxide dust (ZOD) by the ultrasonic-H2O2 (UH) combined oxidation-leaching process. In the leaching process, the effects of the dosage of H2O2 (6-29.5 ...
A Review on Germanium Resources and its Extraction by ...
The analysis of leaching kinetics shows that the leaching reaction process of zinc and germanium is controlled by a mixture of diffusion control and chemical reaction control, and the activation ...
Selective extraction of zinc, gallium, and germanium from zinc …
DOI: 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2018.11.007 Corpus ID: 104759000; Selective extraction of zinc, gallium, and germanium from zinc refinery residue using two stage acid and alkaline leaching
Current and future Germanium availability from primary sources
Reserve base of China: 3055 t Ge (Asian Metal Ltd., 2008) 3782 t Ge (Xun, 2002) = lifetime of 30-40 years Small lifetime based on US reserves only! 12 Germanium: Abundance in rocks and ores Sources: Höll et al. 2007 ... • World s largest zinc mine (SEDEX deposit)
As a semiconductor, germanium allowed the production of a solid state equivalent to the diode. Like most semiconductors, germanium can have impurities added to make it an electron donor - a so-called n-type material - or an electron acceptor, called p-type. By marrying p and n type strips of germanium, the element provided the same diode effect.
Recent advances in the recovery of germanium during the zinc …
The results indicated that the solvent system showed high extraction efficiency and germanium selectivity; equilibrium pH and the dosage of HCA were the key parameters for germanium recovery, the ...
Global Germanium Resource Distribution, Supply and Demand …
As a kind of rare metal, germanium (Ge) is an important strategic reserve resource and plays a very important role in the development of military and civil fields. In recent years, its demand is increasing and becomes a key mineral.This paper systematically analyzes the distribution, supply and demand of Ge in the world, summarizes the status of Ge and the …
Le germanium (Ge) éléments de criticité
Fiche de synthèse sur la criticité des métaux - Le germanium - Novembre 2015 ... Zinc (75% de la production de Ge issue de concentrés de minerai de zinc, 25% de l''exploitation des cendres de charbon) Critical Raw Materials for EU 2014 2.3 - Production minière mondiale (2013)Données non disponibles. Moins de 5% du germanium contenu dans les
Research on the Behavior of Germanium in the Leaching …
In this research, gallium and germanium were separated and recovered from zinc refinery residues by a two-stage leaching. In the first leaching stage with sulfuric acid media, 92% of zinc and 94% ...
Recovery of Lesser-Known Strategic Metals: The Gallium and …
In the leaching process of secondary zinc oxide, there is a problem of germanium loss caused by the colloidal adsorption of germanium by iron hydroxide (Fe(OH) 3) …
Pb-based aggregate, Ge-galena coexistence, and Ge-anglesite ...
The leaching efficiency of zinc and germanium can reach 89.05% and 84.32%, respectively, when the sulphuric acid concentration is 150 g/L, the liquid–solid ratio is 5:1, the leaching temperature ...
Germanium: A review of its US demand, uses, resources, …
The leaching rates of zinc and germanium in the ozone leaching are 4.05% and 10.49% higher than those of the atmospheric leaching, respectively. Therefore, it is determined that ozone in solution plays a key role in rapidly oxidizing sulfide and releasing encapsulated germanium. Sulfuric acid-ozone media can efficiently extract Zn and Ge from ...
What are Gallium and Germanium and which countries are …
Germanium ores are rare and most germanium is a by-product of zinc production and from coal fly ash. Gallium is found in trace amounts in zinc ores and in bauxite, and gallium metal is produced ...
On the geological availability of germanium | Mineralium Deposita
It is expected that at least 119 kt (∼7 kt in zinc ores and ∼112 kt in coal) of recoverable germanium exist within proven reserves (at present stage of knowledge) at grades …
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