Status Quo – Wikipedia

Status Quo ging aus einer Londoner Schülerband um Francis Rossi und Alan Lancaster hervor, die zu Beginn des Jahres 1962 als The Paladins gegründet wurde. [4] In den ersten Monaten mussten häufige Besetzungswechsel hingenommen werden. Auch der Bandname wurde 1963 in The Spectres geändert. Das Jahr 1962 wurde in verschiedenen Quellen und auch von der …

Biochar in China: Status Quo of Research and Trend of Industrial ...

Biochar,which derives from paralyses of agro-forestry residues,offers a solution to straw utilization,an effective method to improvement of soil productivity and a way to reduction of GHG emission.The industrialization of biochar technology is of much importance for non-point source pollution control and ecoenvironment improvement of rural areas,especially for the sustainable …

Windows laptop

Upptäck vårt stora utbud av Windows laptops från varumärken så som Samsung, HP, Asus, Lenovo, Huawei, Acer samt andra varumärken här. Du kan även välja mellan en rad olika operativsystem så som Windows 10, 11 och 11 Pro.

Elektrolys och elektrobränslen i svensk kemi

Sveriges nationella mål om fossilfrihet och ett klimatneutralt samhälle är beroende av förnybara drivmedel, industrins avfossilisering och utveckling av ett… Läs mer » | 2018-05-03

The Status Quo, Problems and Countermeasures of Industrial …

The Status Quo, Problems and Countermeasures of Industrial Economic Development in Ji''nan . Changying Liu1, Hezhi Zhu2, Sheng Li3. 1School of Business, Linyi Univesity, Linyi . 2Financial and Economic Committee of Ji''nan Municipal People''s Congress, Ji''nan . 3. Shandong Cancer Hospital, Ji''nan . Email: liuchangying123@sohu

Ny rapport: Rekordökning av energilager i Europa

Ny Teknik rapporterar om ny teknik inom energi, elbilsutveckling, övrig fordonsindustri, tech och digitalisering, it och telekom, innovation, miljö, om startupbolag och …

Biorefineries-Industrial Processes and Products: Status Quo and …

Citrus is the largest grown fruit crop on the globe with an annual production of ~110–124 million tons. Approximately, 45–55% of the whole fruit post-processing is generally discarded as waste ...

The Status Quo of Process Mining in the Industrial Sector

2.1 Types of Process Mining. Process mining aims to "discover, monitor and improve real-world processes (i.e., not assumed processes) by extracting knowledge from event logs readily available in today''s (information) systems" [2, p. 1] exploiting this information using different techniques, one can gain insights into processes that would not be possible by …

Analys: Industrins nuläge och förutsättningar för omställning 2024

Energimyndighetens årliga nulägesanalys av industrins omställning visar att svensk industri fortsätter att satsa på forskning och innovation för att övergå till fossilfrihet trots …


Industrins elbehov ökar med 70 TWh fram till 2030. Det motsvarar ytterligare hälften av Sveriges nuvarande totala elanvändning om 140 TWh. Elektrifieringen av industrins …

Energilagring batteri

Batterier är en viktig nyckel i Sveriges energiomställning och för att nå klimatmålen om netto noll utsläpp senast 2045. Med batteriteknik som en del av det övergripande energisystemet kan vi …


: The present situations of industrial architectures both at home and abroad were demonstrated in the paper,by which the difference between China industrial architectures and those in the developed countries was also found out;the future outlook for China industrial architectures was given.

A Guide to Challenging the Status Quo (Tips and Examples)

Status quo is a Latin phrase that refers to the current conditions. The status quo may refer to a single element of a particular situation or to a broader range of factors that define a complex set of circumstances. The term most commonly appears in social, economic, and political contexts. Leaders who adhere to the status quo are those who ...


the status quo:。。

The status and development of industrial robots

The status quo of industrial robots mainly discusses the application technologies involved in the research of robots at the current stage, which effectively demonstrates the relevant applications ...

Digital Maturity in the German Traditional Industries – Status Quo ...

Digital maturity concerns the status quo of digitalization in these companies and must be pursued if the company is to remain competitive. By drawing on theory-based responses to digitalization, a ...

Utmaningen för Sveriges energi­om­ställning: att stänga gapet …

Vätgas är tack vare det idag dyrare än de alternativ som den ska ersätta. Samtidigt är många av industrins kunder beredda att betala lite mer för exempelvis grönt stål …

The Status Quo of Process Mining in the Industrial Sector

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86800-0_43 Corpus ID: 240159473; The Status Quo of Process Mining in the Industrial Sector @article{Dunzer2021TheSQ, title={The Status Quo of Process Mining in the Industrial Sector}, author={Sebastian Dunzer and Sandra Zilker and Emanuel Marx and Valentin Grundler and Martin Matzner}, journal={Lecture Notes in Information Systems and …

Why global industrial supply chains are decoupling

industrial supply chain status quo Global events, wage inflation and increasing protectionism are affecting supply chains. According to the World Trade Organization, global merchandise trade volume exceeded US$22 trillion in 2021, which represented a more than tenfold increase over 1980. The expansion of global supply chains fueled this explosion,

CHAPTER 4 A Psychological Advantage for the Status Quo

The status quo is likely to be recognized and processed earlier than alternatives, and used as a start value when considering alternatives. The status quo is also likely to be a point of comparison, securing its mental dominance. Additional processes increase the difficulty of recognizing and accepting alternatives.


Bärbar solpanel för laddning av batteri till husbil, husvagn eller båt För att koppla in en bärbar solpanel till husbilens hushållsbatteri erfordras förutom solpanel en solcellsregulator 15/20A (9540168/69) och solpanelskabel (9600021).Ledning + - mellan batteri och solcellsregulator på minimum 2,5 mm 2 och ledning för exter belastning anpassas efter platsen.

Managing digital manufacturing transformation: assessing the status-quo ...

The present survey-based study explores the factual status of digital manufacturing in the Northern India.,After an extensive literature review, a questionnaire was designed to gather different viewpoints of Indian industrial practitioners. ... assessing the status-quo and future prospects in North Indian industries. Bikram Jit Singh ...

Open innovation: status quo and quo vadis

Open innovation is now a widely used concept in academia, industry, and policy-making. According to the recent report "The Open Innovation Barometer", released by the Economist, 90% of organizations have either adopted or are planning to implement key open innovation practices by opening up their organizational boundaries to collaborative innovation …

Theories, status quo, and suggestions on scientific and …

The emerging industry is the key to fostering new growth drivers and developing new advantages. It is also an essential guarantee to reinforce the resilience and security of China''s industrial chain and supply chain, and seize the initiative of future development. This study, based on the theoretical foundation and practical needs of "scientific and technological innovation as the …

Status quo and future potential of manufacturing data analytics — …

Digitization is continuously increasing throughout all sections of manufacturing. Therefore, more data than ever before is accumulated along the value chain. The shop-floor data contains essential information for process optimizations. The correct exploitation of this data is expected to boost companies'' competitiveness by supporting business-decision making. In an empirical …

Biorefineries-Industrial Processes and Products: Status Quo and …

The majority of commodity plastics is made from petroleum-based chemicals. Lactic acid serves as a monomer for the production of the biodegradable polymer poly lactic acid.

Status Quo PowerPoint Presentation and Slides PPT …

Presenting Status Quo Pricing Examples In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. ...

The Status Quo of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in the South ...

For the status quo of the fourth industrial revolution in the South African higher education institution, findings revealed two categories: inadequacy of infrastructure and inadequacy of funds ...

Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility of Firms in the …

For example, some studies have focused on the indicators companies used in a single year [7,17,18,[20][21][22][23], and others have examined the trends in reporting practices over time [2,3,19,[24 ...

Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Energy Industry: …

The energy industry is at a crossroads. Digital technological developments have the potential to change our energy supply, trade, and consumption dramatically.